Nutrition Counseling

In Atlanta and throughout Georgia

Support with family nutrition, eating disorders, body image and “picky eating” using evidenced-based, client centered, and Health at Every Size approaches.

Ready to feel confident about your food choices?

Signs Nutrition Counseling May Help

Whatever you’re experiencing, we are here to help! Below are the different types of services we offer, and ways to know what’s right for you.

Father and child cooking a meal together after receiving family nutrition support from Katie Henry

Family Nutrition

  • This is great for families that are interested in making food/meal time less stressful as well as adding in more diversity into the foods that are being eaten, especially when (some not all!) children can tend to be pickier eaters, therefore making meals feel more like a chore than something enjoyable.

  • This will entail looking at your family’s diet as a whole: what foods are in the house, what do meal times look like, are kids and adults eating together or separately, who is included in the decision making around meals. From there, we create a plan where the kids assist in making meal choices or even with the grocery shopping and preparation to allow for broadening the palate by including everyone in the process.

  • This is not an entire diet change-up, but rather slowly adding in new and/or different foods to create not only meals/snacks that have all sorts of helpful nutrients in them, but also to aid in making the meal times more enjoyable.

    While this may initially feel like it is more difficult to execute rather than following what feels like is working, the goal is to create more open-minded eaters, bring the family together in trying new foods (even just 1-2 new foods/week!), and also teaching the family as a whole the importance of diversity in foods for every life stage.

Woman with disordered eating with her heads in her hands needing nutrition counseling from Katie Henry

Disordered Eating Support

  • One that falls under the disordered eating category is someone that feels as though food is controlling many or most of their thoughts, actions, feelings around food that may prevent them from participating in life events, avoiding situations where food is present and therefore cannot be controlled/counted, when the idea of eating a food/meal becomes stressful.

  • As disordered eating patterns have a range of what they can look like, so does the work being done. We'll focus on a combination of evaluating your current diet, identifying any fear/safe foods, discussing the feelings that surround disordered eating, as well as extensive education on nutrients, benefits of food through proper body function, and how to slowly incorporate more food and nutrients.

  • The more open you are around discussing your past and present relationship with food, the smoother changes will occur. Initially, this will look like adding a food each day or week (depending on your comfort around this exercise). We'll also work towards dissecting fear foods to find the root cause, and further understanding the purpose of all foods and why it's beneficial to continue to add rather than remove/reduce.

    Lab work will always be suggested, as this can often show any long-term health impacts of disordered eating.

Woman walking to her meeting with Katie Henry to work on intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating

  • This is for someone who has struggled with understanding hunger cues, nutrient needs, and fully trusting themselves around food. It can also be someone who has disordered eating tendencies and is ready to take the next step with intuitive eating.

  • We will go in-depth about all things nutrients, the way the body systems work, how to practice intuitive eating with a gentle nutrition approach, and understand the importance and meaning of cravings.

    We will go over any “food rules” that have been put in place by either yourself or someone else in your life as well as how to have full freedom around food!

  • Changes may include ridding yourself of food rules, and adding foods into your diet. We'll help you learn how to pay attention to, and act upon, cravings that pop up--and understanding why these occur! We'll include plenty of mindset work into teaching the importance of the “all foods fit” framework so you feel confident in being able to respond to your body and eat intuitively!

Ready to get started?

  • To get started, submit an inquiry form here. We’ll reach out to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation. This call gives us a chance to make sure we both feel like it’s a good fit and to allow you to ask any questions you many have.

  • We will help you schedule your first session and make sure you have access to all intake forms. Typically, you’ll start out with having sessions either weekly or biweekly in order to get momentum going for change.

  • Together, we will create a safe, supportive space in order to get to know your unique experiences and needs, better understand your presenting concerns, assess your current forms of coping, and work with you to create a plan for moving forward in our work together.

  • Using a holistic and compassionate approach, we’ll support you in learning more about what you need, what you feel, and how to respond.


  • Each case and client is entirely unique, and we aim to look at the entire person/body over surface-level concerns to see how we can best care for and provide recommendations.

    That being said, nothing will ever be drastic at the start, as that is oftentimes less sustainable, therefore we take a course of action that is best suited for the client while also creating long-term goals to achieve the agreed upon outcomes with the understanding that flexibility does play a key role, too.

  • Each client and case is entirely individual, so there is no answer to this! Depending on one’s level of commitment and motivation for changes or adjustments, this will then dictate when results of any kind may be seen. Also, keeping in mind that progress may go both forwards and backwards, in which we adjust timelines or goals as needed.

  • 100%! This is truly the bread and butter of nutrition--focusing on what the concerns are (whether big or small), and how we can use food to our advantage rather than feeling as though everything needs to be cut out or removed in order to achieve results and feel the best throughout our lives.

  • Lifestyle is a key component to working together with nutrition, as you will learn that everything is intertwined. Depending on what your daily schedule looks like (student, working professional, parent, etc.), we use that information to create a plan that will work perfectly for you!

    We’ll discuss any roadblocks that may come up, which is how we can more easily integrate nutrition seamlessly into one’s day-to-day.

  • Another component that does arise frequently in our sessions is how our relationship with food has grown and changed. This often leads to much more emotion-focused work in order to better understand why we view and eat food the way that we do.

    That being said, working with a nutritionist does not replace the need to work with a licensed therapist or psychologist to truly deep-dive into these feelings. Oftentimes, it is best to work with both providers to get the most understanding and optimal results!

  • We provide in-between session communication/texting in order to make sure questions and concerns are addressed more immediately than having to wait for a scheduled session. Also, grocery shopping and movement support is another piece that is offered via the Nutritionist to help gain comfort around both grocery stores/meal planning as well as viewing movement as something more neutral to positive.